While we are happily running our ADOM RPG Kickstarter we as proudly would like to announce the general availability of ADOM 3.3.3 everywhere:
- It's on Steam.
- It's on GOG.
- It's on IndieDB as a public release (but with less features - see the comparison chart).
As for the Kickstarter:
- We have been funded on day 1.
- We have unlocked stretch goals 1 (10 more pieces of art for the Player's Handbook), stretch goal 2 (10 more pieces of art for the Game Master's Guide) and stretch goal 3 (16 more pages of random Ancardian goodness for the Gamemaster's Guide). And now we are close to unlocking stretch goal 4 (the GM screen). Next after that are adventures and tons of background stuff about Ancardia.
- We are working on some good news related to print-at-cost. Stay tuned - hopefully we will have great news within two to three days.
- Help us to make ADOM RPG the best OSR RPG ever created!
And now: Happy hacking!
Thomas Biskup & Team ADOM