Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Big Release Day: ADOM 3.3.3 has been released everywhere!

Hi everyone!

While we are happily running our ADOM RPG Kickstarter we as proudly would like to announce the general availability of ADOM 3.3.3 everywhere:
For all fans of the public version: There were many changes and tweaks in the past year. If you want to catch up check out all the changes listed in our change log since version 3.0.6. For everyone else: ADOM 3.3.3 just fixes two bugs found in ADOM 3.3.2 and adds a temporary reminder for our ADOM Kickstarter campaign (sorry for the extra click - but small indie publishers need all the attention they can get and we truly value your love and support).

As for the Kickstarter:
  • We have been funded on day 1.
  • We have unlocked stretch goals 1 (10 more pieces of art for the Player's Handbook), stretch goal 2 (10 more pieces of art for the Game Master's Guide) and stretch goal 3 (16 more pages of random Ancardian goodness for the Gamemaster's Guide). And now we are close to unlocking stretch goal 4 (the GM screen). Next after that are adventures and tons of background stuff about Ancardia.
  • We are working on some good news related to print-at-cost. Stay tuned - hopefully we will have great news within two to three days.
  • Help us to make ADOM RPG the best OSR RPG ever created!
And now: Happy hacking!

Thomas Biskup & Team ADOM

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

ADOM RPG has been funded in less than 24 hours!

We are funded. In less than 24 hours. Now we can unlock all the amazing stretch goals!

Dear ADOM fans: I have often said, but I'll repeat it - you are the greatest guys and girls on Earth!
Thanks so much for your trust - this game will rock!

Monday, January 14, 2019

ADOM RPG Kickstarter now live!

Hi everyone!

As planned our ADOM: The Roleplaying Game Kickstarter campaign went live minutes ago!

Please support us, help reach the funding goal and spread the news - it's so hard to reach people and your help is highly appreciated! Why is this exciting news for ADOM?

For three major reasons:
  1. First of all it hopefully will help broadening the audience for ADOM in general. A wider audience always is good because it helps keep us going.
  2. Some of the design points from ADOM RPG will find their way into ADOM (not all of them, mind you, and more of them will make their way into Ultimate ADOM because for that we are completely re-examining all aspects of the current system). But there are interesting new parts like racial abilities that scale with increasing experience level (similar to class powers) or new ideas for class powers (so a pending revision of the existing class power system), many new corruption ideas and similar things that are very interesting for ADOM and thus eventually will find their way into ADOM.
  3. You finally can play ADOM face to face with other roleplayers. 
Additionally you in theory can affect the development of ADOM, Ultimate ADOM and the RPG in case you'd like to donate on one of the ultra-high levels - these will yield new factions and artifacts we design together with you. These factions and artifacts will make a direct appearance in Ultimate ADOM, in the ADOM RPG and (for the artifacts) also in ADOM.

You can find samples for the ADOM RPG here.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

ADOM RPG is coming to Kickstarter - here's the date!

We are creating a new roleplaying game. It's going to be beautiful.

Two manuals. 600+ pages. Full color.

And it's coming to

Monday, 14th of January, 2019. 6pm German time.