
Sunday, April 9, 2017

ADOM crowdfunding progress

Hi everyone!

Quick update from me about the current happenings regarding ADOM:
  • The past two weeks I have been focussed on moving ahead with the stuff that needs to be done to finally fulfill the still open crowdfunding rewards. Specifically we have been working on the remaining physical stuff (the poster map was updated for printing for the great folks that pledged for the limited ADOM rpg box), I have started writing the ADOM Lite RPG Arcana booklet (another 32 page booklet just for those box donors), Krys has provided a cover for that, and we have laid put a roadmap to work on the remaining virtual rewards (e.g. ADOM extensions). Jochen has been busy working on the ADOM community server code (shared highscores and more surprises for the future).
  • Next week should finally see wave 2 of shipping ADOM Lite RPG (mailing about already shipped copies as well as your statet on Tuesday, actual shipment probably by the end of the week or on the Easter weekend) and a lot more work on finishing the RPG boxes.
  • In parallel I am still working on the largest batch of new features in a long time (volcano quest, lots of new levels, staves - a new category of rechargeable magic items, primeval beings and more). This task actually is somewhat annoying as I started it before I broke my arm and before we had GIT. The code changes now are so entangled that we still can't use the GIT advantages as I need to get this huge batch finished.
  • That next batch will go to the prerelease testers as there are so many new features that we need all your talents battling bugs and the Steam release will be somewhat later.
  • After this huge batch we will move to much smaller updates in order to finally profit from GIT as our new version control system.
Behind the scenes more is going on but I still need another probably 3-4 weeks to be able to talk about that (hopefully at the beginning of May). You won't be disappointed - I promise :-)

(and I had yet another sickness phase - one more horrible cold - 2017 hates me - I have been sick for more days than in my while life before and by now am deeply frustrated)

Luckily Spring finally has reached Germany and all the sun has been very good for my mood. The hand mostly is ok again (as far as programming goes) although I still feel intense pain in the joint after prolonged typing. But that's something I can get by with.

So keep alert for the RPG lite shipping mails if you are still waiting for your copies (on Tuesday) and the actual shipping notice on the weekend.

Stay tuned!


  1. Glad to see you're getting better, actually wanted to ask how's the recovery in a comment this week.
    Also really nice to see the posts coming out regularly.
    Keep up the great work and the best to you and the whole team.
    (...can't wait for the Volcano ^^ )

  2. I know that you've probably been asked this question a thousand times, but since I never read an official statement I'd like to know. Have you considered selling ADOM on GOG? I'd love to be able to buy your game there.

    I wish you more health and fast recovery.

  3. Glad to read from you again Thomas! Get well soonest!
