
Saturday, April 1, 2017

A Glimpse at ADOM Worlds!

Greetings ADOM™ fans. We'd like to talk about something special today - you'll be pleased to know that we are moving forward with another ambitious project under the ADOM™ brand name. Say hello to ADOM Worlds™!

As a team we decided to move where nobody has gone before and create a Minecraft-inspired 3D roguelike with various influences from many other genres.

The core idea behind ADOM Worlds™ is to build the largest,  most imposing Cthulhuoid Castle. It's a race against time versus four other opponents in local and online multiplayer.

Each game takes place on the barren PlAnE oF cHaOs, which means that incredibly strong monsters, scarce resources and an ever-shifting ground plane will make the game a suitable challenge for roguelike fans.

The winner is determined based on scores for the Castles' volume, mass, real estate value and overall corruptive effects, as well as the average number of cHaOs tendrils per cubic foot. All this assuming the owner survives until the end of the round. The cHaOs PlAnE is indeed an unforgiving place.

Of course block-based Castle building isn't the only focus of ADOM Worlds™. As with any respectable roguelike you'll be able to level up your character. learn skills and abilities, gain items and gold and so on. It's not ADOM™ without all of that, now is it?

All these elements put together should create a volatile mix of "easy to pick up" but "difficult to master" gameplay.

Expect a full list of features soon, and in the meantime enjoy our first teaser image of ADOM Worlds™!


  1. Hype of the day, yeah!

    All the 'sheep' nightmares returning, torturing you while gaining achievements turn by turn to perfection. Snickering about SIL being to easy. Remembering your first couple of years of trying it over and over again: Enter > barely-miss-the-pit > find-stronger-than-your-foe > fail-to-run-fast-enough > THE END!

  2. A great, substantive update as usual, Ravenmore!

    How much money is the ADOM™ team looking to raise in the next crowdfunding? Another $90,000? Hopefully there will be a backer tier that receives a printed expansion to the ADOM Lite RPG™.

    I look forward to the release of ADOM Worlds™ in 2030, along with the next version of ADOM™!

  3. Is it true that the beta will start a month after JADE is released?

  4. I'd like to seea focus on finishing the ADOM kickstarter goals before working on a new game.

  5. I suggest that you finish all that's promised with ADOM first before doing any real work on this. Don't be another "Human Resources" where those Devs of Uber, pushed to create a new game without actually finishing planetary annihilation. There are several core features promised that still haven't been delivered for ADOM for the steam build that really need to be in place as some of us bought the steam build FOR those features. And at the pace of development for ADOM, you guys are quite slow; I've known solo Devs that pump out content and patches in half the time you guys do. Maybe it's a problem with working with undocumented C spaghetti code, but still finish ADOM first then do this game.

  6. Guys please check the date this was posted...

  7. Uh...after reading the comments I'm not sure who's pulling whose leg here ;)

    Just to be crystal clear: This was an April Fools post, we're doing no such thing, and we're still very much focused on ADOM.

    As you see in TBs latest post remaining crowdfunding rewards are being handled, after which we move on to clearing remaining campaign promises.

    Personally kind of excited for the community server ;) Always enjoyed the challenge games, but it's not quite right without a global high score.
