
Thursday, December 15, 2016

Silence due to broken arm

Hi everyone!

Just a brief update: I managed to break my left arm last weekend. It's a clean break but the bones are completely separated. As a consequence I will be undergoing surgery tomorrow (Friday, 16th of December) and am facing several weeks of recovery. Sadly programming/writing are among the things that don't work well with one hand - which throws quite a wrench into the machinations I had planned to finally get the crowdfunding stuff done within the next couple of weeks.

Sorry for yet another batch of delays but this time the RNG really hit me hard.

I'll keep you updated on the recovery process. And 2017 thus is going to become an even more interesting year... promise.


Thursday, December 1, 2016

ADOM Lite RPG is shipping today (yeah!)

Hi everyone!

It was a long day and a longer night. Quite long actually for a normal working week (which in December usually is somewhere between 50 to 60 hours due to the way IT service business seems to work in our region). But it is done. In one monumental act of energy my wife Melanie, my good friend Claudia and me managed to pack all ADOM Lite RPGs (for all the folks who up to know validated their shipping addresses). There are a few more that need to be done at some point (because they are moving right now, have not yet validated their addresses or whatever) but the vast majority of all RPGs is going to be send out in about two hours. Read on for the dirty details...