
Monday, November 28, 2016

The Eagle Has Landed

16 boxes full of ADOM Lite RPG copies arrived today:

Boy, that looks like quite a bit of work :-) And here they are:

I'm still waiting for some special packaging material (after my lessons learned with the postcards at the weekend). I had recruited the help of friends of family in getting the stuff packaged so that we will start on Wednesday packing stuff (and probably shipping by Thursday). I still am optimistic and hope that we manage to get all RPGs packed in one fell swoop but we will see. Usually things take a lot longer than I imagine in the beginning. I will keep you updated :-)

It feels awesome to finally get this done (although I just noticed that I completely forgot about the ADOM Lite RPG character sheet I still wanted to design - I so far have always been using hand-crawled notes and still need to get that thing up; maybe it will be a little late - but as it is an extra I hope that you will forgive me for that ;-) )

1 comment:

  1. Hurray! Eagerly looking forward to getting this Christmas* gift. All that hard work coming together, very exciting.

    *Plus or minus whatever the timeframe works out to be!
