
Monday, October 24, 2016

Crowdfunding address verification activated (ADOM Lite RPG & stuff)

24th of October, 10pm German time: I somehow managed to break the character encoding when saving address data. The problem is pretty weird as my code basically stopped working overnight: When I debugged my code I still had working data from yesterdays tests in the database - but I was unable to correctly store the data today. Even though I hadn't changed anything about the code. It seems that ChAoS somehow is involved o_O 

As a consequence I sadly have to ask everyone to login once more, check their old inputs (or enter their data for the first time) and confirm the address data once again (I reset the confirmation flag to force you to check once more what you entered and prevent any new problems). I'm very sorry for the inconvenience and hopefully I didn't break anything else (this time I even tested with Mandarine and other exotic encodings... everything now seems to work). So please check your address data!

Sorry once more - I am deeply ashamed!

Hi everyone!

Finally the address survey is online for ADOM Lite RPG (and the other physical rewards like the postcards, code certificates and RPG boxes from our crowdfunding campaign).

Please go to the ADOM: The Resurrection fulfillment portal, login or (or request your password data if you never before logged in or forgot your password) and then fill out the address form. Save the data and check the address confirmation box once you are sure that your full address is correct. Please note that I only will send out physical rewards to confirmed addresses!

Currently I plan a first shipment of stuff roughly for the 15th of November (so that everyone has a chance to get goodies before Christmas).

If there are any problems, you can't login, the number of RPG copies shown is incorrect, etc. please drop me an email at creator(at) and I will try to work out any kinks during the next weeks.

Thanks for your patience and now let's get your addresses confirmed.


  1. are there any more ADOM Classic Boxed Sets?

    1. No, sorry. The crowdfunding campaign is over and thus no more sets are available. The promise of the campaign was to provide highly limited items to the donors and thus I am bound to the promise.

  2. Wooohooo! Can't wait to get the book. Thanks for hard work, Thomas!

  3. ALERT: The form does not work correctly. If umlauts (eg. ä) is used in the address input box, the address data gets garbled as the newlines are removed. Some numbers in successive lines might get infused which will makes fixing the addresses onerious decectivework.

    The worst thing is that the "This is how the label will be printed on your package" preview shows the address correctly, it is only after clicking "Save input" the address gets formatted incorrectly (the endlines are removed).

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. As yorak says with the umlauts, that counts for æ ø and å aswell.

    3. Really? Fuck... this seems to be some browser-dependent problem because I tested yesterday both with umlauts and all kinds of special characters with my account and it worked perfectly for me :-( Thus I assumed that it work everywhere.

      Is there any PHP specialist out there who might have an idea what the problem could be? Or is that in some way related to my form encoding? Damn... the reason behind going live so late yesterday was that I tested for hours and now this doesn't work... aaargh. I hate web programming :-(

    4. I confirm that the bug is present with Opera 40.0.2308.90 (Chrome engine) under Windows 10 64-bit, using Spanish characters (ó, í, ñ, etc.)

      I noticed it after clicking "save" and then removed those characters from the address just in case, but it's problematic.

  4. I'm trying to login, since it has been a while I couldn't remember my password. Did the reset and used that email with the reset password and it still won't let me login. Ideas?

    1. Same case here. I have tried resetting passwords 2 times and still no success.

    2. I've had some problems as well but right now it is working for me.
      It seems Thomas is hard at working fixing it as we are trying it together.

  5. The umlaut problems now should be fixed. The problem has been very weird. Hopefully everything works now. For the past couple of hours the system has not been available as I blocked more people from entering data. I also reset your confirmation flag to make everyone check their input once more as I would not want to break any more important stuff. Hopefully everything works now. Sorry for the blunder - I am deeply ashamed.

  6. When are we going to get the full character creation system for ADOM? (point-based, choose your own star sign, etc)
