
Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Specific feedback requested for bugs in R67

Hi everyone!

Currently I am highly interested in feedback concerning three topics in the recently released ADOM R67:
  • First of all many people seem to disagree with my vision for point-based character generation (see That's ok for me and I am willing to change. The best change (as outlined in the ticket) to me seems to drop the background story generation during point-based character generation and just go with a bigger lump of points. Please leave your views and opinions in that ticket while I am pondering the possible changes.
  • Second some people seem to experience performance issues with R67 (which neither nor anyone else in Team ADOM have been seeing; and there was no noticeable feedback from the closed prerelease test either). We are collecting reports here: So if you are experience a noticeable lag in performance please add your comments to the ticket and provide both details on your hardware (including your monitor) and your way of playing (e.g. full-screen versus windowed; are are you using a wide-screen monitor, etc.). Thanks for your support!
  • There has been a report about totally broken stats in Challenge mode (and also constant races - the latter has been fixed although the root cause for it still is weird). The broken stats and broken skill level ups might indicate a much deeper and more frightful memory corruption problem - is anybody else experiencing this? Please discuss in
Thanks for your help!

1 comment:

  1. Issue number 4383 (challenge mode stuff) has been fixed by now.
