
Sunday, May 29, 2016

Weekly ADOM update: Shifting dungeons, character generation & stuff

Hi everyone!

As promised here is a quick weekly update on what is going on (and what not):
  • Programming has slowly restarted. Current areas of work are:
    • Getting the new character generation process completed in graphical mode (there are still a lot of kinks to work out but it's more a question of discipline than difficulty). Jochen and Zeno are on this for the actual coding and Krys is doing the graphics required.
    • Work on the new shifting dungeon sections. Basically there are some problems left with map updates and we also seem to be chasing a weird crash bug. Zeno and I are trying to have the map updates ironed out.
    • Fine-tuning the tome of donors. It's in but it still has some kinks related to its placement and functionality. 
    • Adding a kind of introductory story to the start of the game to get new players better involved in the story. I'll post some more details in the next couple of days once we have discussed the structure internally. Krys and I are working on this mostly, receiving input from the rest of the team.
    • Adding more soundtracks. Lucas is working like a machine on more and more awesome compositions.
  • Things I have not progressed on:
    • ADOM RPG. Programming felt more important to me so that's what I focussed on during the last couple of days.
    • The community highscore stuff. Another issue very dear to my heart but sadly somewhat complicated and quite a big topic. For now we'll be concentrating on the next release which definitely will not include any of those new community features.
So that's it for tonight. I hope to return to a more continuous information flow soon.


  1. Looking forward to this weeks update... =)

  2. ... So much for the weekly updates eh?

    1. Yeah, that was never going to happen. I thought they might manage more than one week though!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Can we probably have an update in two weeks?..

  5. I'm still holding out for one today... I really wanna hear more about new music / features!
