
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Concerning the new tutorial mode in ADOM

One of the most important additions - for me - to ADOM 1.2.0p21 is the new tutorial mode. Sadly so far there has been very little feedback. Has anyone introduced new players to ADOM and tried it? Has anyone tried it although being experienced in ADOM? Any thoughts? Any recommendations for further improvements?


  1. I was waiting for p22 because you mentioned a bunch of bugs showed up in p21. Maybe other people are too.

  2. Sadly, I think you won't get too many comments on this as the people who need a tutorial are also not going to be the people who have paid for access to the prereleases.

  3. I think, that after p21 I will join to prerelease program. I'm not experienced player but like ADOM very much since 2001 year. So I will be very glad try new tutorial mode.

  4. Perhaps you might consider a beta release on steam? The problem is, most people familiar with ADOM won't need a tutorial mode.

    1. We are working hard on preparing the missing things for that (mostly at least one video).

  5. I had my wife all ginned up to try the tutorial (she's not as into roguelikes as I am) and come to find out it's backer only.

    Bummer, man! How much do I have to donate to get into the backer builds?


  6. There is a strange phrase at the beginning: "You can display a list of all shown hints by pressing ‘’.” (two single quotes with nothing between them).
    Not sure, what exactly I should press. Not in key binding list as well.

    1. Could it be that you have an old adom.kbd file? My guess would be that the definition for the new command is missing. You might try to delete the old one and see what happens (but store any changes you might have made).

  7. The tutorial doesn't end but you can actually play the whole game. On the first couple of levels some things are easier (e.g. no hunger, no wilderness encounters in a certain part to the north and east of Terinyo, etc.) and you also get much less points for the final score. But after a while everything works like normal and you can play as long as you want.

  8. I have been testing the tutorial and I think it's very well done. I was even going to suggest adding a special warning if the player enters the SMC early, and I tested and noticed it's already there! I don't really have any suggested changes (I wonder if the tutorial never ends, if there are some hints for D:50 and a congratulations for completing the game as a noob :P)

  9. I've been looking over it with a critical eye .. actually I found a few things about the help-system that confused me, so I've filed a bug-report:

    I hope I haven't sounded too critical. These were just what leaped out at me so far. ..I'll try running through the tutorial a bit more and see what else jumps out at me. :)
