
Sunday, December 8, 2013

The magic of ADOM

Hi everyone! Today was yet another of those days when Jochen, Krys and Zeno really surprise (nay, overwhelm) me with their ingenuity. They have been fiddling with the magic stuff for a while now but today I saw the first animated results… and personally I'm blown away.

While I have been convinced for a while now that ADOM currently sports the most beautiful tile set of all roguelike games IMHO it now starts to have the most beautiful magic animations, too.

Look below…

This is the demo I saw today (and there are still many optimizations going on):

I really love it. Although the amount of work going into it also is mind-boggling.

What do you think?


  1. Hmmm… for some reason the quality of the video has suffered quite a bit :-(

  2. Video looks great to me!
    Can't wait to see all the spells in their glory!

  3. Gorgeous. I haven't played casters in the new prereleases because I was waiting for this.

  4. Sereuosly?Oh Realy?Try to do some comics book from ADOM!?I Bet imagination a lot better,and not only i,a lot of ppl who see this tiles not happy at all,better keep classics they say and i agreed(we all see results of THIS ,later...) I realy enjoy to imagine characters,im not good with ENG language,but i LIKE read masterpiece monster description,BUT when i see this tiles with cloned faces,a funny/fancy/cartoon monsters,i feel so bad,so bad,me and my friend was SO exited about Ressurection ADOM,but time pass,great Myst elfs,ChaosK,Duelist,but after-nothing happiens,just tiles tiles,fixes,tiles,and ALL so exited about dat,Sereously?

    1. Do you realize what you ? What is ASCII? These letters have long been obsolete . You are not real fans , you just grumbling old . Your tastes are outdated . You Swarm . I as a future specialist in economic analysis DECLARE that were made before the game extensively , and now intense. So you think of yourself ! Now the same Gears of War one barrel one seedy scallop infantryman requires much more effort than all your old graphics . Now working on games experienced programmers in C + + and artists on the plates ! So , guys , do not swear at the beautiful animation. Why ? Yes, because it's cool. Yes, yes, Your Worst animation. Because developers are trying , and you do not thank them! I , as a representative of the progressive youth DECLARE that even games on iOS in the number of nested forces exceed either prehistoric nonsense late 90s . You are stupid , you are not what they were before. Drake , mocked the PS3 , but you no ! I personally , all my friends are much more like the format of interactive storytelling that where I am a little bit run - jump - tumbling , and then look upomorchatelnye on directing and beauty videoroliki.Buduschee for me and my friends , the capital - interaktivistami gamers .

  5. Well, to be fair, I recall a few games that actually have better gfx for spells...

  6. I fear, that without character animation all this stuff will be too unnatural to play with. Lighting bolt flies from immovable hero is not kind of things I want from ADOM. Still great work, Im not saying you guys doing it bad or anything, but for now text-version seems to be fitting better for me.

  7. Actually i dont really got the point of all those grafics in ASCII, its like book with pictures. Even if pictures are very good (but im afraid in this release its not so good for adom atmosphere), book will not become better just because of this. i understand that tileset may attract some new players, but let us be fair, new generagion of "youtube-gamers" will not play adom, its too hard. Even if we do animations for every spell and move in game, who will need it? Me and all my friends who love adom, No One of us uses those tiles. Thats way reading about patches with only tileset improvements and bugfixing(again bugs about tiles) is very dissapointing I am sure that this is wrong direction of developing the game. Hope dr. Biscup will hear this point, cause i know, he can make adom even better with it content and unic game mechanics.

  8. Well, magic can be found in many ways nowadays and it is being used and believed by several people. There are several types of magic performed by several artists around the world. One of the very popular types of magic allows to get love back by black magic. This is very much popular among youngsters these days facing love problems and it can be found at

  9. Wow. I've been playing ADOM since I was 12 (I'm 29 now), but always w/ the ASCII interface. This looks amazing. Is this playable? One of these days I will complete the postcard quest too.

  10. For the people who want to see more content:

    That's all the reason for the slow content progress. Fear not, lots of stuff is going to come. The resurrection is not just about graphics… but for it to be a lasting resurrection I firmly believe that ADOM also needs some appeal for new gaming circles. Providing a more accessible start to playing the game is yet another thing to be done.

  11. I dunno, I like both tiles version and the classic one. I can understand well enough, that mr. Biskup is a busy man, and also that ADoM Lite RPG takes a lot to polish. Why so negative? Compared to years prior, pre-release patches made quite a significant change to classic formulae. I am ok with waiting another year or so, to purchase ADoM on steam. Sure I would *love* to see more content updates, yet you have to keep in mind that all freetime developers should really worry about their primary source of income and family/personal life first, simply because their wellbeing has a direct impact on quality of the fnal product.

    1. I dont think that someone here is really negative for the things going on. I think only ppl who really care about the game are posting and reading those comments, so there is no offence, imho. Not in my case fo sure! I just wanted to be heared, and seems i was! And i got the answer that i wanted the most =)

    2. I see. I am glad, that I misunderstood =)
