
Sunday, December 22, 2013

Test print run for the ADOM Lite RPG started

Hi everyone!

Just a quick update on the status of the ADOM Lite RPG: Despite being late once again I really want to finish it this year. Although it's not yet 100% done I now have ordered a first print from Lulu to check the correctness of the basic layout. I plan to order the full batch on December, 31st, latest and then the next steps to finally fulfill the orders will be tackled.

As a side note I want to get that project done till the end of the year to finally resume programming on ADOM at full speed to at all the content promised and not yet there. This will be my best Christmas gift if it works out as I am so much looking forward to finally being back with the team.

Here's the current cover design (wraparound cover) as a teaser:

BTW, we still need all the help we can get to vote ADOM to be the Roguelike of the Year 2013 - please vote for the game if you haven't done so far on the right side of the linked blog post (click on this red blog text to get to the voting page). Right now it's standing 920 (28%) : 1007 (30%) of the votes in favor of TOME but given the speed of the past few days I guess that ADOM has a decent chance of making it. And we (Team ADOM, the game, the community) need all the publicity we can get to raise awareness for the upcoming Steam campaign in order to get ADOM green lighted and hopefully lay the foundation for a long term resurrection! Thanks for your support!


  1. Will this be for sale in pdf form or something, for the people who missed the chance to get the collectors edition on Kickstarter?

  2. The promise of the crowd funding campaign was that the ADOM Lite RPG never again will be available. Thus - without the consent of all donors - there probably won't be any other way to ever again get your hands on one of those babies. As sad as that is.

  3. I'm really excited about this Thomas, thank you for working so hard on this side project. In some ways I'm very pleased to have one of the few copies, though if the game is good I really think you ought to reprint and share it with the world... maybe you can do some kind of vote?

  4. If it's not too late to make a change, may I recommend changing the word "gratuitous" to "generous"? Gratuitous doesn't quite fit there, in my opinion.

    1. I second this. "Gratuitous" means "inappropriately excessive." "Generous" is the word you're looking for.

  5. Thomas, How you will send it? In Russia the regular post service tend to miss items. I would prefer the DHL Express, and even can pay for the extra costs. For me the more important to get the book in good condition!

  6. @Kyle: Thanks for the hint. Sadly that's my biggest time problem: proofreading probably will not be as good as it should be to meet tax deadlines. It's really frustrating to me right now but I don't have any idea on how to catch up all the time lost over the year.

    1. There's probably not enough time, but I'd be willing to proofread it for you. I have a few days off for the holidays, so I could do so within 1-2 days. I did select the Seeker reward, if that matters.

  7. OT: That revolver map is cool. I'm just VERY disappointed that none of the scientists on Antarctica have apparently been involved in the community! :)
