
Monday, November 25, 2013

Just some teasing...

While finalizing the final few pages of the ADOM Lite RPG (my ongoing nemesis) I wandered through our "Team ADOM" discussion group and discovered some new stuff I had missed beforehand. Here's just some stuff to tease you… it might be in the next release or not, but the awesome guys in Team ADOM continue to devise amazing things. I'm so much looking forward to finally finish the RPG in order to get back into programming… you wouldn't believe it :-)
Here's something about spell effects ;-)

And here's some more movement for the game:

And while talking about experiments… different approaches to handle darkness:

Especially the latter stuff definitely is not finalized.

By now I wonder what we could do with ADOM if we had more budget (yeah, I know that some people believe that we already had an excessive amount of budget - it's just not true counting the number of people and effort going into development). Personally I believe that ADOM is going to be the most beautiful roguelike ever and once we get the Steam train rolling (hopefully) there should be enough fuel to drive the game to totally new heights. I'm so much looking forward to the future of ADOM and hope to be able to keep Team ADOM together for a long time… I seem to be in an emotional mood - so: Thanks once more for resurrecting ADOM!


  1. Is there any plans for Steam Early Access?

  2. Lightning looks great. One more reason to play elementalist.

  3. can't wait for ADOM on Steam. It will be amazing :)

  4. Except for the fact that elementalists have no lightning bolt for now, Миха (giving it to them is in an RFE though) :)

  5. Tailsets are bad bad idea to game like this,my eyes bleed after some this opinion.Please do fullscreen to original version,at least im and my 2 friends agreed,this is collective post ;D
