
Friday, November 1, 2013

ADOM 1.2.0 Prerelease 18 is available... for everyone!

Today I'm particularly proud to announce the release of ADOM 1.2.0 Prerelease 18. While feature-wise it just contains a couple of minor bug fixes,  new sounds and stuff it actually marks the beginning of the next phase of the resurrection of ADOM: Now we are moving forward in slow (but progressively faster) steps towards getting ADOM on Steam and other gaming platforms.

Important: You should remove the directory in order to get a fully workable feature set. See the release notes for ADOM 1.2.0 Prerelease 17 on how to activate many of the new features.

ADOM 1.2.0p18 is a public prerelease that absolutely everyone can download as we feel that the world should see all the progress on the graphical front, all the major game enhancements, etc. to ramp up more public interest in ADOM and get us to conquer the next frontiers: Steam and other gaming platforms.

In this way we not only are going to fulfill the promises of the crowd funding campaign but actually hope to establish a viable commercial environment for ADOM in order to be able to pay Team ADOM for an extended period of time and add tons of exciting stuff for years to come... far beyond what still lies ahead of us in the context of the crowd funding campaign.

If you bought prerelease access don't fret though... there are probably a dozen or more closed prereleases to follow so you'll remain in the exclusive circle of people who will be able to shape ADOM due to being able to play with it early on and provide feedback.

Here's the download, here is the list of changes and now start having fun with it. Please note that for now we only offer downloads via BitTorrent and a one-click hoster as the graphical version of ADOM has become so large that our hosted would kick us into the afterlife given the amount of download traffic we expect. Hopefully this works for everyone.

You can also do something for Team ADOM in order to spread the news about the continuing resurrection of ADOM and pick up the energy that we will need to make it past the Steam greenlighting process:
  • Please post videos about the new graphical ADOM game play to Youtube and let us know - either by posting links here in the comments or via mail to creator(at)
  • We are looking for a talented video artist who is willing to help us create a cool ADOM presentation video in order to use it for our Steam campaign. Besides fame, credits, a free prerelease access (if you don't already have one) I can offer a copy of the ADOM Lite RPG as a reward for your efforts. Please contact me at creator(at) if you are interested and willing to help and let me know a little bit about you and your previous experience with doing videos.
  • Tell everyone about the new public prerelease of ADOM... in blogs, forums, groups, lists, on Facebook, Twitter and wherever else you might roam. We really want this to become big (as big in ye olde goode times) so that ADOM can stay alive indefinitely... and this needs your enthusiasm and support!
Thank a lot and now go enjoying the game!


  1. Download mirrors:

  2. Thanks, I'm adding them to the download page.

  3. I donated $40 on 20th October, hoping to get prerelease access. Haven't gotten a reply yet.

    I guess it doesn't matter now. (At least until next prerelease.)

  4. Hey TB, I have a silly question but before that, thank you so much for the PTR of ADOM. Also, DOUBLY thank you for giving us the DOS version. My eye prefers ASCII to graphics in the overall (although they do look quite lovely.) My question is this:

    When it greens on STEAM, will there be a DOS/ASCII version for the token minority? Maybe a graphics option with fullscreen support or something? Oh! I thought of something else. Will we be able to edit the CFG and KBD files (or equivalent) to tailor our ADOM experience?

    Great work as always, man. I'm always delighted to see you pop up on Twitter. :)

  5. You can also use the NotEye version to play in ASCII mode. Just hit F10 to switch between modes. There is even more possible, like an ASCII screen and a minimap with tiles. Whatever you like. :)

    About Steam... editing the config files should be no problem. I think we can only distribute one "version" on Steam, so it has to be the one with NotEye integration (and Steam doesn't support DOS).

  6. Posted it here.
