
Sunday, August 18, 2013

The revised ADOM-Non-Logo

A while ago I proposed a new ADOM logo - and it probably rightly was downvoted by many as not being a logo. Which technically definitely is correct. So Team ADOM continued to discuss the design for an ADOM logo and at the same time the initial "not a logo" design got refined. I totally love an adore the end result (even if it's not a logo) and so it will be used for "something" in the future (maybe on the back of the ADOM Lite RPG, maybe on the landing page of the to-be-redesigned ADOM website, maybe on all of those).

No matter what... here's the final "non-logo-design" we came up with.

Variant #1 without any lettering:

Variant #2 with lettering:



  1. By this I assume we're getting a volcano.

    1. Absolutey. The volcano quest is part of the unlocked crowd funding rewards. It yet has to be implemented but it will be there, yes.

    2. =D

      Now just gotta worry about that damn Red Rooster Inn.

  2. I love it! Better than the old "non-logo". If you are still debating for the new logo, I would really like to see this "non-logo" being the inspiration.

    1. See for the new logo proposal. It just followed on this blog post...

  3. I have to say I was one of the naysayers about the first non-logo, but this one is great. The dungeon entrance and volcano add the dark, epic feel that the previous version was missing.

  4. This turned out really well! I too was one of the original critics of the "logo" for its "too pictoric" design. This picture is really nice and captures a lot the ADOM spirit (I love those lurking red eyes). I am sure it will have many good uses, and become representative of ADOM as well!

  5. Just as another idea you could think about, you could add a bundle of eyes near the bottom left since many corruptions have to do with eyes.

  6. I like it. The only suggestion I have is maybe add some sort of effect to the wood and stone of the arch around where the tentacle touches it to show the corruption. Wouldn't need to be much, but would really make it clear that the tentacle is a threat if the wood and stone right next to it was turning black and rotten.

  7. Awesome!It is really nice logo design.If you are still debating for the new logo, I would really like to see this logo design
    thank you for sharing!!
