
Sunday, May 26, 2013

ADOM 1.2.0 Prerelease 14 now available

As I was on the road Jochen beat me to it (now that's great teamwork ;-) but here's the release news anyway: ADOM 1.2.0 Prerelease 14 now is available as a closed prerelease (if you want to get in on the closed program click here to read about the details). It's the first release with full NotEye integration (use Ctrl-m to get to NotEye), packaged with graphics and music and thus somewhat larger than older versions. As we might run into bandwidth issues for downloads everyone is encouraged to use the torrents for download.

Here are some teasure pictures of the game:

Please expect to run into some problems... some graphics might be missing, darkness does not work correctly in tile mode, etc. but despite this the version should be "stable enough".

And just to repeat it :-) : ASCII mode won't go away. You still can use it and it always will be a part of the game!

My sincerest thanks go to "Team ADOM" (that is Jochen for his general programming work, Krzysztof Dycha for his amazing graphical skills, Lucas Dieguez for his musical talent and Zeno for his brilliant NotEye software - together with them ADOM will be truly resurrected and elevated).

Please use the ADOM forums to discuss this version as we are highly interested in feedback in order to fix and improve upon any wrinkles you might find!


  1. Downloading via torrent now (both Windows versions). Will seed this until release 15 comes out :)

  2. This is awesome! Just fiddled with it around for a few minutes and it's looking great. The female main character has the male character sprite, tho.

    1. Only one PC sprite in this release, sorry! But more are coming, working hard on that part.

  3. Did the monster levels per floor change up a bit? Just ran into a quickling on lvl 2 of the small cave!

    1. Needless to say, my poor ratling elementalist is extremely dead!

    2. As an aside, I also ran into a new feature. AMBUSH GHOSTS. T_T I thought I was done with just the orc excited floor, but then TWO DOZEN GHOSTS. WHY? WHY?

    3. Actually nothing has changed in that corner. Since p13 at least. Not that I remember.

  4. Look great!Need more pics ;)maybie some attack animations?

  5. Team ADOM, you are AMAZING! Please keep up the good work!

  6. Will we eventually get resizeable window? My monitor might be large enough to get the full level even with graphics :)

    1. Alt-Enter?

      Or try Ctrl-M and the various resolution options. It's in there. But it seems that we need to better document it ;-)

    2. Not exactly what I meant. Changing resolution only changes how many tiles fit the window. But the window itself is only of limited size. Resizing would allow me to increase the number of tiles in window without resizing the tiles.

      Full screen mode isn't what I'm looking for either. It changes the resolution of screen and doesn't increase the number of visible tiles in any way.

      Here are two additional issues I noticed:

      1. Grid display. It seems illogical to have option to toggle healthbars on and off, yet have two options for grid: enable and disable. It would be simpler to replace it with a single "toggle grid" option.

      2. Would it be possible to have a sound setting which would only play sounds when ADOM is the active window? I usually have many windows open and while the music and sound effects are great in ADOM itself, they become troublesome when I want to do something else for a while and keep ADOM open. I don't think that manually turning the volume off every time I need to do this is a good option :)

    3. Good idea about the resizable window and disabling sounds outside the game, I'll see what I can do about this in NotEye.

      As for the grid display: there are actually three options (no grid, grid, and checkerboard). But yes, I think that you are right that one option would be better.

    4. As for the grid, I think that there could be Grid on/off toggle and Checkerboard on/off toggle, with the checkerboard toggle onlz affecting the displaz if grid is on.

  7. Because wilderness is an often visited place and it doesn't have any randomness it would be possible to draw a single picture of it. So that there would be e.g. mountains, hill areas and forests that were bigger than one tile and it wouldn't look like the world map was consisting of tiles.

    Current version looks great, too!

  8. Great work you guys.

    I know there are a lot of areas you could improve, but here are a few that stood out:

    1. Fix the tile for avatar on frozen water.

    2. Add in different avatar tiles for different armor states. I know you cannot do all armor, but perhaps a few high-level different avatars: unarmed, double shield, 1 hand weapon (no shield), dual wield, 2 handed weapon. It is a bit confusing being disarmed by a dualist, but still having a picture of a sword in your avatars hand.

    3. Save the Not-Eye user interface options to the settings file when these are updated or when you quit.

    4. As stated above, allowing a higher resolution of the window would allow many more high-quality tiles and would work well for larger monitors that are common today.

    1. 1) Frozen water tile is missing that's why the avatar appears as an "@" there, it's the default NOTEye behavior. Hopefully p15 will have all tiles and the problem won't occur.

      2) It's an excellent suggestion that we hear very often but it just goes beyond what was planned for the tileset, and thus is not likely to be implemented as part of this campaign. Still, we're looking into ways of making it happen sometime in the near future :)

      3) Gonna forward this to Zeno, shouldn't be a problem to add.

      4) Window resizing to fit more tiles is already done :) Stay tuned for pre-release15.

  9. 1) Some tiles are missing in p14, that's why you're getting the funny avatar thing. Should be fixed for p15

    2) It's something we'd really *love* to have, but not going to happen as part of this campaign I'm afraid. But we're looking into ways of making it happen in the near future.

    3) I think Zeno is working on it, gonna forward it just in case.

    4) It's already done :) Stay tuned for p15!

  10. Hi all!

    I've played last prerelise, and discover that adom takes about 70-80% cpu. Even without noteye integration.
    Is it normal?

  11. i judge many of the games i play today by adom standards.
