
Sunday, January 13, 2013

ADOM 1.2.0p9 has been released

I'm happy to announce the release of ADOM 1.2.0p9 - again available to all donors of Wanderer level and above (Seekers exempted) from the crowd funding campaign as well as anyone who decides to buy into the prerelease program.
ADOM 1.2.0p9 is - as usual - downloadable via the links provided in the ADOM self service portal.

The amount of changes is again sweeping - p9 has been a very active development phase. Among dozens of minor and medium adjustments the biggest new addition to the game itself is the new set of boss monsters. These boss monsters have been defined by donors from the crowd funding campaign and provide special names, descriptions and a set of extra abilities. They can be generated in place of "normal" wandering monsters and IMHO are a splendid and very colorful addition to the game. Some of them probably need a little more balancing but for now I'm very curious about feedback :-)

Here we go with the complete list of changes:
  • Feature 722 - Invisible Monsters
  • Feature 1188 - 'l'ooking at an altar should tell you its color.
  • Feature 1212 - Kicking certain items should hurt you like with anvils
  • Feature 1278 - Shields balancing
  • Feature 1300 - Add 45 new items (in progress)
  • Feature 1301 - Add 46 new artifacts (in progress)
  • Feature 1409 - RFE: Make Detect traps faster to use on doors
  • Feature 1410 - Tone down spiked armor of chaos and terror a bit?
  • Feature 1413 - Assasins and daggers
  • Feature 1418 - [Balance] Easing the start a little
  • Feature 1419 - Remove hunger penalty from burden statuses
  • Feature 1431 - Add 4 new monsters (in progress)
  • Feature 1434 - Tell new players which R/C combos are easiest
  • Feature 1460 - Slighty more hp for mist elves?
  • Feature 1462 - Balance "room smelling of carrots" Pe increase
  • Feature 1464 - [Balance] Make thieves guild easier to access
  • Feature 1467 - Rarity limit for Thrundarr's first quest
  • Feature 1479 - [Balance] sickness is impossible to survive as mist elf
  • Feature 1480 - Make all heir gifts more or less useful
  • Feature 1483 - werewolves and dire wolves should see in darkness
  • Feature 1489 - Improve worthless possible crowning gifts
  • Feature 1490 - More feedback on "very close" message.
  • Feature 1495 - [Suggestion] Make Greater Vaults more common, more varied
  • Feature 1507 - Minotaur maze made a little easier?
  • Feature 1522 - Make surges of power more frequent
  • Feature 1591 - Change Dwarf Chaos Knight Starting Weapon To Great Axe
  • Feature 1613 - higher strength bonus for 2-handed weapons
  • Feature 1641 - [suggestion] Make elven duelists start with racial armour
  • Feature 1648 - Reducing the frustration caused by rivers
  • Feature 1651 - Slaying sling bullets
  • Feature 1683 - Implement special boss monsters
  • Feature 1693 - Crystals of power
  • Bug 759 - Dungeon generation bugs
  • Bug 900 - Some monsters are illogically (un)affected by mindcraft
  • Bug 929 - Carpenter quest becomes unwinnable if Yrrigs transforms into a WMoPC
  • Bug 1171 - Applying unusable skills consumes time
  • Bug 1302 - visible invisible stalker is "someone" or "something"
  • Bug 1385 - @ command doesn't work on Windows
  • Bug 1399 - [Balance] The transition between Hunger --> Starvation is too quick
  • Bug 1449 - Charges on wands in shops are not displayed.
  • Bug 1469 - Trying to eat mist wolf corpse crashes the game
  • Bug 1472 - Mist Elves Wearing a Single Metal Ring Suffer Damage in Wilderness
  • Bug 1473 - Ratling shopkeepers sell things for 1gp?
  • Bug 1478 - Gauntlets (10s) do not deal damage to mist elves
  • Bug 1486 - tiny quarrels are not affixable, except with heir
  • Bug 1505 - Fix monsters squeezing past one another (and cut down on message spam)
  • Bug 1506 - Monks can't kick down walls any more.
  • Bug 1519 - Staff of creation - guaranteed?
  • Bug 1520 - Tone down the Animated Forest, somehow
  • Bug 1526 - All Scrolls in Shop run by Ratling shopkeeper cost 1gp
  • Bug 1544 - Mist elf hunger rate too low
  • Bug 1573 - No turn advance when confusion prevents casting
  • Bug 1586 - Slow shadows can be pickpocketed
  • Bug 1593 - More meaningful loot
  • Bug 1604 - Your equipment suddenly seems to weigh less.
  • Bug 1636 - Bouncing rays display with wrong symbol
  • Bug 1637 - Washed away by Fairy Dragon
  • Bug 1640 - Monsters Randomly Becoming Neutral, Lots of Prompting
  • Bug 1642 - Thrundarr still doesn't give potion of literacy to low literacy characters
  • Bug 1643 - incorrect ^x description of duelist 6th level class power
  • Bug 1653 - Crash when generating mist elf chaos knight
  • Bug 1667 - Close door asks for direction when standing on door and there's only one adjacent door open
  • Bug 1682 - Undead can pray
  • Bug 1690 - Level 18+ duelists can't give elemental gauntlets to the demented ratling
  • Bug 1697 - Wrong theft counter increase when picking pockets


  1. I was always curious about mist elves. If "common" metals hurt them so much, wouldn't iron weapon wound meant instant death?

    1. Think of it as if the iron item feels very hot, like 70-75ÂșC or so. If you're being in contact with it (holding or wearing it) you'll be continually burned, and such a situation could lead to eventual death even in real life. If, however, you're stricken by a weapon heated to this same temperature, you won't have enough time to get burned. With a contact so short temperature wouldn't matter much, if at all.

  2. How long do you prefer that people wait after donating before following up regarding the prerelease buy-in?
