
Friday, December 14, 2012

ADOM: The True Resurrection - Prerelease 7 now available

Greetings everyone! Last night we released ADOM 1.2.0p7 (prerelease 7) and I am very excited about this release for several reasons:
  • It's the biggest prerelease so far. 114 (!) issues have been tackled for it, many stopping loopholes and varous scumming tactics. The game probably will be quite a bit harder (especially at later levels) and I am pretty sure that we will need to do a couple of more prereleases to rebalance the game but IMHO it's worth it.
  • It's probably a highly experimental release: Concerning the sweeping amount of changes I'm almost 100% certain that quite a number of ugly new bugs will pop up. But that's the nature of prerelease: test early, suffer early ;-) Please play the prerelease, try out things and post bug reports and RFE whenever you stumble upon a problem. The next thing on my list is a bug killing spree for p8 (plus probably the integration of a couple of the virtual donor rewards - we'll have to see about that ;-) ).
  • The initial implementation for Mist Elves and Ratlings is in. There surely is a lot to finetune and I'm looking forward to feedback in that respect, too!
As usual the prerelease is available to all donors of Adventurer level and up (Seeker donors excluded) through the ADOM self service portal. And here's the impressive changelog for ADOM 1.2.0 p7...

Changes in ADOM 1.2.0p7:
- Feature 63 - Mad Minstrel songs
- Feature 70 - Bless spell
- Feature 146 - Make pets less rebellious
- Feature 782 - Extending Greater Identify a bit
- Feature 813 - Make gremlins/summoned creatures unpickpocketable
- Feature 858 - Make trees immune to Banshee wail
- Feature 1113 - changed requirements for Platinum girdle?
- Feature 1116 - Weighted Monster Generation
- Feature 1117 - Stat Potentials
- Feature 1118 - Increase Difficulty of Air and Earth Temples
- Feature 1119 - Tone down blind rage
- Feature 1150 - Ventriloquism when mute
- Feature 1154 - Allowing the 'w' commands under more circumstances?
- Feature 1161 - Casino Robbing made harder
- Feature 1198 - [Balance] Nerf Seven League Boots
- Feature 1200 - [Balance]Starsigns
- Feature 1201 - [Balance] HP-casting should be more costly
- Feature 1202 - [Balance] Greater/killer bugs should shrug bolts
- Feature 1203 - [Balance] Shopkeepers should see in the dark
- Feature 1204 - [Balance] Pick Pockets
- Feature 1206 - [Balance] Make teleport control harder to acquire
- Feature 1213 - [Suggestion] Haggling should work on the ratling dealer
- Feature 1215 - [Balance] Scrolls of power should restore more PP
- Feature 1218 - [Suggestion] Upgrade the Quickening Tree
- Feature 1221 - Uniques providing their services while in combat
- Feature 1223 - Don't give experience or loot from "clones"
- Feature 1231 - No items on the ground in the ID?
- Feature 1237 - [Balance] Bosses upgrade
- Feature 1241 - UI improvement / Shop selling
- Feature 1244 - Orb guardian corpse effects
- Feature 1258 - Remove Bug-infested Temple restriction for pre-releases
- Feature 1259 - Add Pe stat to character summary
- Feature 1263 - w# compatible with Poisoned! and Sick!
- Feature 1269 - [Balance] Herbs respect potential maximums
- Feature 1277 - Increase the spawn rate of certain mundane items that are currently too rare
- Feature 1293 - Change some monsters' properties/behavior
- Feature 1300 - Add 45 new items
- Feature 1301 - Add 46 new artifacts
- Feature 1304 - [Balance] Buff first aid
- Feature 1317 - Change Something About Literacy
- Feature 1322 - [Balance] Slightly randomize locations of key towns, dungeons, NPCs
- Feature 1324 - [RFE] Halloween Candy
- Feature 1334 - Cure disease on others
- Feature 1341 - Change Gardening so that it can harvest herb seeds from pre-existing herb bushes
- Feature 1350 - Change scrolls of chaos resistance
- Feature 1358 - Walk mode not canceled due to item destruction
- Feature 1361 - Making killer bugs harder to tame?
- Feature 1376 - [Balance]Banshee
- Feature 1384 - Better heir item for chaos knight
- Feature 1391 - [balance] make chaos knights start with thick gauntlets
- Feature 1397 - RFE: changes in Literacy skill and reading scrolls
- Feature 1431 - Add 4 new monsters
- Feature 1432 - Implement new PC race: Ratlings
- Feature 1433 - Implement new PC race: Mist Elves
- Bug 12 - Uberjackal problem
- Bug 74 - Some anomaly doesn't show description from look command
- Bug 98 - Invisible Bolting Bug
- Bug 102 - Bats see in the dark but not invisible
- Bug 105 - Casino scumming
- Bug 108 - Monster Behaviour in Darkness
- Bug 110 - Necromancer Starting Spellbook
- Bug 116 - Wish Engines
- Bug 118 - Use base stats, not current stats
- Bug 121 - Monster Resistances
- Bug 123 - Blindness and elemental anomalies
- Bug 126 - Restrict possible monster types in tension rooms?
- Bug 136 - Rustproof items can be generated rusty
- Bug 140 - Thug corpses have a bounty value on their head, but Tywat won't accept them
- Bug 143 - Girdle of Greed + Blinging
- Bug 718 - Final Score for Ultra Endings
- Bug 719 - ID staircase bug with overburdened characters
- Bug 724 - Unarmed Combat + Kicking
- Bug 731 - Casino: infinite gold, no corruption
- Bug 732 - Skeletal King doesn't summon mobs in the lake level
- Bug 739 - Dorn Beast
- Bug 747 - Sleep Reading
- Bug 757 - Ring of Ice from Dwarven Mystic?
- Bug 768 - Wrong message when cancelling Fire Orb
- Bug 774 - Talent quirks
- Bug 881 - Weaponsmiths' level 50 class power isn't exclusive to melee weapons
- Bug 883 - Throwing some weapons doesn't increase their respective skill
- Bug 887 - Stat potentials can drop below 1 via cursed potions of -stat-
- Bug 889 - Double damage display when wielding a weapon in left hand with thorny hands
- Bug 939 - Missile Weapons with Potions, Slings with Gems.
- Bug 1120 - Monk lightweight armor DV bonus is not always granted correctly
- Bug 1121 - Calm monster illogical message
- Bug 1156 - Altars disappear
- Bug 1168 - Shopkeepers and invisibility
- Bug 1185 - There is no "lock door", only "unlock door"?
- Bug 1199 - Monsters' behavior when you're invisible
- Bug 1210 - Ranged Attacks Incorrectly Ask for Confirmation Against Hostile Monsters
- Bug 1232 - Many items do not auto-identify when found, even if the PC has them in the identified items list
- Bug 1233 - Many items do not auto-identify when equipped, and it feels they should
- Bug 1235 - Linux / large screen: Pressing W key on cast spell list clears quick marks, refuses to cast spell
- Bug 1255 - No "already cleaned out" message on pickpocketing
- Bug 1294 - Missiles can be shot while blind, but not if blind and under darkness
- Bug 1295 - Training with Yergius can grant training dice "increases" that seemingly do nothing
- Bug 1297 - Cursed scroll of defense/protection may fail to lower high DV/PV
- Bug 1327 - Blot the sun corruption can darken wilderness map
- Bug 1328 - Graves captions cannot be read in the dark with light source on
- Bug 1330 - Persistent tension room messages
- Bug 1344 - Yulgash does not drop orbs when transformed into a chaos being
- Bug 1349 - Attacked by Dark sage after offering peace
- Bug 1360 - Bug? Berserker taming.
- Bug 1365 - Throwing a potion of boost stat at a companion makes it hostile.
- Bug 1370 - Zapping wand of destruction gives PP.
- Bug 1372 - Possible bug: Amulet of life saving may reduce satiation level.
- Bug 1373 - Babbling mouth activates on widerness map
- Bug 1386 - Chaos Knight background doesn't show up on char background screen
- Bug 1387 - Chaos Knights altar conversion
- Bug 1395 - Blotting the sun activates on the wilderness map.
- Bug 1396 - Level 12 chaos knight power
- Bug 1401 - Configuration variables display is broken
- Bug 1406 - chaos knight power review crashes game


  1. According to changelog, so much have changed: lots of famous (and very often used) exploits, problems like Uberjackal, etc.
    I guess the new version is very different in playing style from the old one =)

  2. Available only to "Adventurer" level and up? Did I do something bad by downloading it when I'm only at "Wanderer" level? That's what it was "as usual". Or is that a mistake?

  3. You going to tell your peeps to vote for your game on Andrew Doull's Roguelike of the year poll?

    Dark God did for ToME4, you should to. I bet you can win!
