
Monday, December 24, 2012

ADOM 1.2.0p5 released (Ho Ho Ho Ho!)

We are happy to announce the public release of ADOM 1.2.0p5 - one of the slightly older closed prereleases of the ongoing ADOM development due to the success of our crowd funding campaign.
Take this is yet another Christmas gift (after the release of ADOM II 0.3.0 tonight), this time from "Team ADOM" (that is Jochen, Krys, Lucas, Zeno and yours truly). It's the first time that ADOM is driven by an international team (with members from South America to Poland) and advised by the steadfast thousands of loyal fans out there and it's a truly amazing and exciting time for all of us. We are very much looking forward to show you the versions of ADOM brewing in our laboratory but they still need a bit more finish.

In the meantime we thought it appropriate to release one of the older closed prereleases so that some of the annoying bugs out there can be avoided (internally ADOM 1.2.0p7 has been released and p8 is under heavy work and probably will be out before the end of the year to the prerelease testers).

You can find the download here, the changelog describes the changes (although you only get the stuff up to and including p5) and if you enjoy ADOM there is still time to vote for it as Roguelike of the Year 2012 (right side) ;-)

Cheers, peace, love, health, happiness & Merry Christmas
"Team ADOM"
(Jochen, Krys, Lucas, Zeno & Thomas)

P.S.: We probably will be offering a prerelease access program in the New Year. It won't be for free (as that would be totally unfair to the other donors from the crowd funding campaign), it will probably around $40 (somewhat expensive, yeah, but we need to be higher than the $25 required in the crowd funding campaign lest we again might be unfair to the early donors) and it will require Paypal. In return you get access to all prereleases for the remainder of the implementation duration of all the crowd funded features (which will take major parts of next year, too). There will be a couple of public milestone releases but they will be a  lot rarer than the somewhat continuous stream of prerelease updates.


  1. Yet another nice surprise---I'm sure many folks will appreciate the team effort.

  2. I wonder... in the case that the prerelease program reaches $10K, so that crowdfunding campaing + prerelease program >= $100K, will we Seeker-level donors get the ADOM RPG in color? :)

    1. To be honest: I am so happy and lucky that we didn't reach that level as I probably would have ruined myself if it had happened. I had totally misjudged the costs for color printing - by a big margin. Color printing (on demand - with companies like Lulu) is more than $40 (!) for 64 pages, so completely out of question for me.

      So I do not plan to bring this initiative back in the foreseeable future and count myself lucky that we missed that stretch goal. It's so easy to ruin a crowd funding campaign...

    2. Honestly - I that would happened I would recommend you to outsource your printing to Poland. I believe that we still have lower prices for such services and since you already have a team member that is from Poland - it shouldn't be a problem.

    3. Good idea, actually. Poland and everything farther to the East should be dirt cheap compared to Germany.

  3. Would it be possible for Seekers to make an additional donation for access to the pre-release game versions?

    1. Interesting idea, I will consider it. I just need to find a simple manageable way to do the accounting as I do not again want to toy with 1000+ entries in a spreadsheet. But there should be some decent way with the ADOM self service portal... I will think about it after Christmas.

    2. yeah cause personally i tough i would be able to get the pre-realeases too. but i didn't read seekers was out of the option.

    3. That's one of the weirdest misunderstandings that happened during the campaign... particularly as the very first sentence of the Seeker description clearly stated the fact that no other rewards were included.

      Lesson learned: Only define reward levels that build upon the previous ones. Everything else is too complicated.

    4. I was caught by PEBKAC. The $25 mark had what I wanted from a pack, $50 was a bit too much so I thought I'd settle in for the $40 pack... oops :)

      That's why I've suggested the possibility of Seekers specifically being able to make an extra donation of $xx dollars to at least get access to the pre-releases.

      I mean, that's why we're here right? :D Play ADOM!

  4. Also, one of the things I thought you may have added as a perk of donation would have been an epitaph on a gravestone.

    Arguably ADOM lacks a bit of content in the inscriptions on tombs and 'Great Treasure' graves are the only usual ones people bother with. People adding extra funding to ADOM whilst also creating additional content would have been a boon.

    Infact, I was at one stage tempted with the $50 donation mark and to ask you if I could go down the grave route as opposed to the Statue description (I think it was)

  5. I would actually like an option to donate a small amount to get pre-release versions as they come out - say 5$ or so. I'm sure there's others, that don't care about all that extra crap and want their game asap, as opposed to waiting for releases. Make your self service portal with access to downloads like a porn site - 5$ for membership or something :p
