
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Specifying ADOM: The Resurrection donor rewards

After a lot of fiddly detail work I have set up a new web application: The ADOM: The Resurrection self service portal provides two important functions for all donors from the ADOM: The Resurrection crowd funding campaign:

  1. Donors can request a password via the "Request password feature" on the self service portal (just follow the instructions).
  2. Donors can use their email address and the acquired password to log into the application and specify details about their rewards.
Important: Please not that Seeker level donors right now are excluded from the site and will be added once I come closer to finishing the ADOM Lite RPG. I'll get you updated about that.

Please use the application as soon as possible to define your specific virtual rewards (e.g. the artifacts, boss monsters, donor names, etc.) as I intend to start using the entered data around the 10th of December to implement the requests into ADOM. I'll post several warnings about it so there should be ample time.

If you find bugs in the application or have questions regarding its use please post them in the comments here and I'll try to answer them for everyone. Enjoy!


  1. Need to use some stripslashes()

  2. I logged in as a Questor but there were no forms for me to complete!

    1. Yet another oops. Fixed, too. Stupid typo. Now you can specify your rewards!

  3. Hi Thomas

    I logged in as a Master Thief and there is no form for me to fill out either.

    1. Fixed. Yet another stupid copy & paste problem introduced in the last second. I'm sorry for that, works now :-)

  4. Fixed a problem with monster types not being saved when trying to define a boss monster. If you tried to do so please try again - I absolutely need the value as later on I am going to generate source code from the database and if the monster type is missing we are going to have a problem there :-) !

  5. I have enlarged the statue inscription length limit to 78 characters. But that's the hard limit, hope you can get by with it :-)

  6. Hi Thomas! I've entered the details of my statue - there were no guidelines for it so I'm not exactly sure if I typed it in correctly. I'm definitely interested in keeping it as close to the ADOM world as possible. Let me know if you want to suggest any changes to it. Also, if someone else had the same idea as me, let me know as well and I'll come up with something different :) /Nils

    1. Good point, with all the technical problems I totally forgot to add some guidelines. I will fix this in the next day or two as then there is still ample time for you to check if your idea seems to work or not!

    2. A few examples wouldn't go amiss to help keep things within your preferred style of description too. I was just looking for exactly that, don't want to force you to massively rewrite every single statue text after-all! (or introduce the inconsistent prose of nethack or similar)

    3. I have added some examples. Additional hint: I imagined the statues to be implemented with the new features as unmovable fixed terrain types, not the item variant. Just in case...

  7. Any reason why we can't pick sleeping attack for boss?

    1. Errr... not really. I wonder what I thought and will tackle that soon, too.

  8. When choosing special powers of some kind of monster type that already has other special powers, do these powers stack or are replaced?

    1. New special powers will stack. You only should be careful to not give special powers to a monster which it inherently already possesses ;-)

  9. The portal doesn't seem to support non-US characters correctly. For example, if I enter as name in the tome of donors

    Carlos Gómez Rodríguez

    and I save, what I get is

    Carlos Gómez Rodríguez

    It's not important, I don't mind appearing unaccented in the tome of donors... but I report just in case you'd like to know.

    1. Damn, damn, damn. It seems to be fixed for "some" use cases. I will investigate that tonight.

    2. Still failed to fix that one... which actually might be good as non-ASCII also is very hard to insert into the code for some platforms (e.g. DOS and some of the more obscure systems).

  10. The moment has finally arrived! This is fantastic, Mr. Biskup. Thank you so very much for all of your hard work. I can only imagine some of the bizarre requests that must be coming through the reward platform...

    I would love to get a sneak preview of what is going to be included, but at the same time I would like to be surprised. Maybe you could just share a few of the really awesome / strange / cruel ones?

    Speaking of requests, here's another one:

    It would be great if you could add "Can cast firebolt", or "Can breathe fire" to the boss ability list. If not, that's okay too. I will still love you with all of my heart either way!

    1. I have added various breath attacks. But firebolt is a spell that currently is not available.

  11. I donated, I do not remember how much, but I do not care. The only reward I am interested in is a solid release for the world to enjoy.

    Keep pushing my friend.


  12. What will happen if you choose a monster that breeds? Does it spawn identical copies of itself?

  13. But what happens when you choose a base type like white worm? I'd imagine it could spawn the basic version of that monster or none at all?

    p.s. sorry for double post

    1. It "just" spawns the basic version as the boss monster is a unique being.

  14. Ok, so I went through the list of monster you can choose your boss monster from. I don't if everything there is planned but some thing look suspicious to me so I am letting you know.
    - You can choose uniques emperor moloch and ratling dealer as your monster type
    - ratlings are not very powerful compared to the other monster on the list. Still, you cannot choose majority of them (duealist, master thief, fencer and warlord)

    - you can choose blink, rabid and big dogs but cannot cooshoo, silver dog or large dog

    -you can choose black and gray slayer, but cannot holy slayer

    - you can choose pixie but not pixie archer

    -you can choose black unicorn but not white unicorn

    -you can choose some of top level monsters (molochs, barbarian emperor, emperor lich) but cannot choose some other (ogre emperor and giant rust monster)

    -you can choose all variety of minotaurs but not ancient minotaur and minotaur king

    - no dwarven chaos knight

    - no invisible stalkers and dorn beast, but this is understandable, as well as lack of better quicklings.

    1. More oopses. And I went through that list at least five times... ratling dealers and emperor molochs are gone. As are black unicorns. The others were deliberate.

  15. Sorry Creator to bring up more "oopses", but donators who do not frequent you board will be expecting extra attack x2 and death ray to be casting 3 death rays in a turn. Same for PV-ignore and throwing 3 rocks for hill giants... or sickness/para/sleep effects not working on missiles, or paralytic skin only working on enemies so berserkers get nil after wedding ring, you have to give some background on how these effects stack/work/inter-operate, or you'll end up with many donors angray/unhappy/sad. Any chance for clarifications?

    1. To be honest: Not really. There probably are too many combinations to explain them all - and I bet there are some where I'll be surprised myself.

      Please remember in any case: If you are building total killer beings that's ok, but I might change their rarity so that they almost never will be encountered as ADOM doesn't need inbalancing monster combinations.

  16. Related to the above, I did some testing to see what abilities work in monster versus monster fights, since I would like the monster to make a good pet. It turned out that in monster vs monster fights:
    1. paralytic skin does not work
    2. breath attacks aren't used in melee range
    This makes both paralytic skin and breath attacks bad skills for a potential pet. Could you please let us know if these features are intentional or considered bugs? Thanks!

    1. The first probably should be considered a bug, the second currently is intentional. Please submit a bug report for the first.
