
Friday, August 10, 2012

The last and final power pledge drive for ADOM: Artifacts

I've just started the last power pledge drive that will happen during the ADOM crowd funding campaign: Artifacts! For every $500 donated starting at the current level of $31.468 a new artifact will be added to the game. For every day in which which manage to collect a full $1.000 amount, 2 new items will be added to the game! (Multiples count, yes) This power pledge drive is going to be the longest running as it will be up for a full 14 days and end on the 24th of August. This really is going to be the last power pledge drive for ADOM - there is nothing else to save for, so if you haven't pledged yet, now is the perfect time!


  1. 27 new artifacts to be added to the game? Crikey...

    1. If we get that far. It all should be about new excitement, shouldn't it :-) ?

  2. Hmm, honestly somewhat surprised to see this as a "last" drive as opposed to next-to-last as it is something of a trend for their to be a surge or sorts within the last week of a funding campaign and I'd reckoned there would be one final grand push for that week alongside whatever else the team can come up with to further entice both newcomers and upgrades alike.

    1. If we manage to get close enough there are the stretch goals. We are just at our limits with what can be done one existing resources and additionally I do not want to think people that it could be worth to wait until the last possible moment. I think that it's very important to find out if we can manage to succeed or not as currently this still is open and we have way to go.

      If the suggested tile support for ADOM is not enough to entice a sufficient number of additional donors I personally doubt anything will.

    2. Suggested tile support actually discourages me from donating. Not enough to forfeit the donation, but still somewhat.

    3. @Krd: why? Maybe Thomas did not make it clear enough in his initial post about tiles: they are optional and the original ASCII mode will still be available!

  3. I'd love something like, if we get to 48k, a new location will be added to the update. (town beyond the white mountains perhaps? :) )

  4. Is an announced easter egg still an easter egg? ;)

    Anyway... I think we'll be able to add some hints regarding this campaing (if it succeeds, that is).

    "They say that even the smallest donation can change the future" :)
