Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The websites are paying for themselves... for the first time in 10+ years!

It seems that it was the correct decision to add advertising to this blog. For the first time in ten years the website plus the hosting of www.adom.de are paid for by advertising - which is incredibly cool. Thanks for the huge number of visitors and thanks for occasionally clicking on an interesting ad! Spread the word, help ADOM II to surpass ADOM!


  1. Hooray! Congratulations Thomas! And thank you for all of your hard work and focused stoke and passion! It shows and you have already created a legacy that will far outlast :D

  2. Nice one :) Honestly, I try to click the link and visit the website everyday, but I tend to forget so what I do is whenever I find a mention from you on facebook I visit the site...

    Either way, least we can do :)

  3. How can i help with those ads? Is it enough to visit website once a day or do i have to click on ads?
