Saturday, July 30, 2011

JADE 0.1.3 sneak preview

I just felt that I shouldn't limit such posts to Facebook. Here's a little sneak of JADE 0.1.3. I'm not sure if this screenshot means much to anyone besides me but here it is anyways.

Every story needs a first chapter ;-)



    No need to implement all special areas yet (such as the Tower), though. I can cope with a somewhat incomplete version of the Drakalor Chain if it means that 0.1.3 will come faster. Finishing touches can be applied in later versions.

  2. Very nice! Even without the content, it is nice to see the Draklor chain. Would it show up in every world? Would a player always start there?

  3. Looks great! Has there been any comment recently on fixing some of the issues with ADOM (Skilled talents, Wish Engines, The Moloch Armour 28freeturnsinstantdeath thing, etc.)? Can't wait to play this one.

  4. I know that place better than my home town IRL

  5. Looks good.

    Now, a small notice: At the pass to the darkalor chain, red dots = road tiles on adventure map?
    If so how about adding a variable to the world generation algorithm, so that major cities are connected by roads. Should be rather easy to create.

  6. Oh wow, I'd never imagined that the sea was directly to the north. And that isolated city up there... Maybe the location of a certain inn? :P

  7. I'd like to have at least one honest-to-goodness city. It should be at least nine "screens" worth, and it should be a festering maw of corruption with at least one mutant ghetto, also of course significant opportunities to spend more money than you'll every lay your eyes on. Following up on other suggestions, it'd be nice if it were dynamic, so more and more of the population became mutants as the corruption timer clicks on...

  8. Please add an option to toggle (or just make it automatically do this) to where, when you (inevitably) die, it doesn't close the entire program. After closing the hall of heroes and inventory etc it should be able to just go back to the main menu.

    Very glad to see jade in person finally though. Been waiting years lol.
