Thursday, June 12, 2014

Centralized PC data management for the upcoming ADOM release

Below you find a demo of the upcoming centralized data management for all the important data screens for the player character:

The basic idea is to give new players an easy way to access all the data without having to learn 10-12 commands. I'm still pondering whether to remove the top line (with the player name, level and stuff) in order to save one line but on the other hand we might also consider increasing the standard number of lines on the screen. We'll see. Comments and feedback as usual is very welcome!


  1. That looks good. It will save me from accidentally quitting the game when I alt-q

  2. That's fantastic! I'm super excited for the next/steam release between this and the context menus.

  3. Looks awesome Thomas, I've wished the game had a unified character information screen for years now.

  4. Would it be possible to use the left and right arrows to scroll menus instead of the > and < keys? it would make more sense and not have to use the shift keys.

  5. Stellar again! As a quibbling point, I would recommend "Equipment" and "Inventory" over the model you showed (Inv and Stuff).

    1. The problem is that I already am running out of characters in the current system (e.g. if you have a mindcrafter who also manages to learn spells the system breaks down already now - so I still need to find better names for the tabs in ASCII mode). Quite hard as a choice and suggestions are very welcome!

    2. How about "Equip" and "Inv"?

  6. I second @Jesse Baker's "Equipment" and "Inventory" suggestion

    1. See above. Already know all possible tabs together exceed the 80 character limit. Any ideas :-) ?

  7. I third @Jesse Baker's "Equipment" and "Inventory" suggestion

  8. "Inv" could be changed to "Equip" and "Stuff" could be changed to "Inv". With this change, the total character count will remain the same.
